Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Oh where , oh where did our blogger go? (Part1)

Ever had  one those weeks where the days roll by, flowing into each other with no definite beginning and no definite end?  Where you are so busy with nothing and  yet  you are exhausted from it?  My week was like that I was  a hamster on  a wheel...moving but going nowhere.

It all started with the insomnia.  Perhaps sleeplessinpolokwane is manifesting  literally in my body.  I have not been able to sleep. I  tried all the remedies I know; from the old wives tales to guided meditations. The consequence of course is that I am tired and grumpy during the day meaning I couldn't go about my business with the usual enthusiasm.  I couldn't update the blog because I was being the blog...sleeplessinpolokwane.

Then I hit my car. Twice.  On Tuesday  I reversed into a wall and cracked the bumper.  I got over it pretty quickly and decided to fix it as soon as possible.  On Friday morning I went to the autobody shop where they removed the bumper and told me they'd give me a call once it was complete.  So I went on my merry way and proceeded to scratch the side of my car at the garage at work.  I didn't  get over this one as  quickly.

Between all of these things I had to return my brand new phone to the store because it could do everything but make calls.  I made the mistake of washing my wanna-be-dreadlocks and now  my hair has gone back to being an afro only with  locked ends.I missed the Parkrun and the monthly Flea marketa and book launches  and youth seminars.  I even missed Empire.

However, I had some great moments during this series of unfortunate events. Which I will write about next time provided of course that I get some sleep tonight.


1 comment:

  1. Superman lives on but no longer need the old telephone booth to change; he has all those smartphones we own, if only we could take our eyes off them for a minute.
