Wednesday, 10 August 2016

My meeting with life

Mmaphuti Mathato is  my breath of fresh air in the very  dreary world of our common office work.  I know that when we meet the conversation will move from the grey hues of government work to a kaleidoscope  of   life's  more heart warming topics.  Interestingly...I too met her at a meeting ... our agenda however was not nearly as riveting   this.

 Engross yourself   in her meeting with life:

I have periodic meetings with life, usually I am the convener depending on how I feel at the time  and my feelings are informed by either pain or pleasure. I summon life to talk about whatever is going on during that particular time
To my surprise this time the invite came from life complete with an agenda on some :

1.       Opening and welcome
2.       Ratification of agenda
3.       Business of the day
a.       Karma
b.      Love
4.       Q and A
5.       Way forward
6.       Closure

I ratified the agenda with no changes and the meeting started
Life welcomed me and thanked me for the manner I sailed through the waves the past few months and told me it summoned me because it’s commendable.
We then got to business of the day,  KARMA … with tears in my eyes I asked KARMA how long is its minimum turnaround for its services because I’ve been waiting with baited breath to see it locate a few of those who dealt me some wicked hand . People you won’t believe the nerve of that KARMA how he said “we are still teaching  you patience, until you are ready we will strike no one” I responded with a “whatever “ and suggested that we go on to the next  item.

Now love. I was pleased to report to love that it has presented itself to me in an extremely beautiful way, it made me blush, feel, it made my heart full, made my nights magical. It also introduced  new packaging. I’ve always thought the love I deserve would come packaged in a masculine tall , dark and handsome brother and like all else in life , life requested me to ascertain if the love of my life is actually  not a woman.

I thanked love for presenting itself all so beautifully, for making me believe again for making me feel sane that I always believed that the fairy-tale exists  . While I was blushing thanking love I realised that even though I felt the intensity of pure love it had  to be complicated , the lover had to be  divided and like life being disrespectful it left when I was still busking in it. Oh well I broke my heart again.

Now I said to love , I know what I know now you enticed me to the possibility of me living the love I know I deserve so I’m giving you three months , go and locate one with my name on it send it directly to my door , please ensure that I don’t get restless in anyway ensure that its easy and real. Only then will I be able to sit down and talk to you. You know life your work is now much easier since you have the specs
The lover should look at me as if to make me float, as if I’m magic, the kisses should be something I live for, the nights …oh the night must have a story and above all let it be exclusive , intense and overwhelming .
We are in this together mos life?

Q and A
Then life said but you say love left when it was so perfect what have you learned
I answered I learned that all happens in due time even if it’s just to confirm something
Then life said “what is meant to be will be, just be still”
We then shook hands and closed the meeting.

Hey Life...Im ready


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What is meant to be will be...indeed my dear. Thank you for a great read, please consider writing a book. Pretty please!

  3. Great read. I love how you write!

  4. Beautiful! What a meeting..

    1. Im bealiving God and life for matters arising

  5. Above all let it be exclusive.... I have my reservations. :) beautiful read let's talk about this later koko I beg.

    1. by exclusivity I meant that sidedish ship must fall, also I want it to be committed to me . all else shall be added

  6. Where is the 'like' button??? :-)

  7. KARMA has a nerve 👈🏾 and a soul 🙏🏾.
    The Strike no one policy is deep 😔 . When life summoned me, Karma was also there. I started crying before Karma could speak. Karma opened her mouth and said, "I know you think I'm here because you think what you going through now is because of me. That your day has come for you to pay for all the supposed "bad" you've done to others. Well, I'm not here to serve you your cold steak. I'm not that bitch. Stop crying. I'm just here to let you know that I'm not your worst nightmare. I'm here to see you out of this with some valuable lessons. I'm your personal, 1 on 1 coach".

    Boy oh boy, knowing Karma does not strike with intent to cause harm. Made me see life differently. In her mercy, I am growing and maturing.

    1. Look we live and learn ...but I wont mind a few slaps here and there from KARMA to my targets

      We learn everyday isn't that the beauty of life!

  8. I love your writing sugar lump. Just beautiful.
