Wednesday, 11 May 2016

The little blog that could...

A little over a year ago I sat in front of my computer and googled  " how to start a blog?" .    I followed the prompts  and poof just like that Sleeplessinpolokwane was born.  I did this because I hadn't not written a fun piece in a very  long time.  See, once upon a time  I was a journalist.  Though it was by job to write I still found time to write for leisure and I  had a great time doing it. Then one day I got a very serious job as  communications manager in  government and well I wrote a lot but there wasn't much creativity in it.  I worked all day, weekends and public holidays too. Whatever time I had to myself I spent sleeping and re-hydrating.  One day, I woke up and realiszed that all my journals were empty, my little note books had half baked pieces  jotted down on now off-yellow paper.  This made me sad.

So, that is  why I started this blog.  I wanted to write for me.  I wanted to write for fun.  I wanted a place where I could write and not judge myself  harshly or at all if my grammar  or spelling was incorrect or untidy.   I wanted a safe place to work on my creative muscle.  What I did not anticipate was the love I have received from publishing Sleeplessinpolokwane.     Oh my  word...what  validation.  Even the idea that people stop what they were doing to read my banter about  nothing and everything moves me.  Then  people read and they laughed and nodded their heads and left comments and asked their friends to read and they laughed and nodded their heads and left comments and asked their friends to read. And poof  I became a bona fide blogger ( I think) with an audience.

This is what we have done together your and I.

Number of  posts published:  31

Most read post:  Dear Love...this is where I live.  ( E V E R Y B O D Y  loved this )

Least read post: Easy soup for those with too much on their plate.

The funniest post:  The single girl's guide to load shedding and Chronicles of a formerly slim girl ( now I am a monkey at the zoo)

The saddest post: Chronicles of  a formerly slim girl ( I wear black because).  This post resonated with a lot of women.  I learnt that weight issues are not only fat people issues.

The most popular theme:  Love issues and  weight issues. ( Hmm I wonder why?)

Most Creative: My winter , my lover .  This post has the best imagery and it takes the mind to a very beautiful place.

Best Picture: The one posted in Let's do it in the morning.

Best  comment:  "Thank you for  this blog , I feel like you live in my mind"

My favorite post:  Dear Love...Your GPS works so well.

I must say though that its not easy to manage a blog.   They say a blog must have a particular focus or  niche but I just write what I like.  They say writers must have deadlines and be sure of their audience.  Well, I don't got none o' that.  Sometimes I just don't  feel like writing.  Sometimes I don't have the energy nor inclination or worse sometimes I have nothing to say.  Consistency is the most important  element it but it is also the most difficult part.  But you just have to keep  going.   "I- think- I - can. "

I am grateful to you for reading my blog.  You give me courage to keep  writing.  I have learnt through some of your responses that  we have similar fears and pains, that we celebrate the same things.   You have  allowed me to let my guard down to bear my soul only to find that we  mirror each other more than we think.

I feel like somewhat of a journalist again. A creative one!   

I am yours and you are mine and we remain Sleepless in Polokwane.

When sleepless in Polokwane...this is where I blog!   ( Okay fine yes...I made it a bit neater for the camera kikikiki)


  1. You inspire me to be a better human being. Thank you for your authenticity, for your tenacity in your writing and your ability to remind me that I too matter in the world. I will remain sleepless in Polokwane with you.

    1. Oh lala. I have no really is the little blog that could...

  2. Nice read Shadi's, it's certainly been a while. I thought SleeplessinPlk was an abandoned project. Keep up the good initiative.
    Regards, Cecil 👌

  3. Nice read Shadi's, it's certainly been a while. I thought SleeplessinPlk was an abandoned project. Keep up the good initiative.
    Regards, Cecil 👌

  4. As the Gypsy lover is here again. I still can't get over that piece!

  5. Wow, today i also begin my journey to follow your writing... Commie, I too am inspired..

  6. Replies
    1. Yes. Let's do it. How do i find you. Loved this piece on you tube.
